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Tennessee Rise
Stand with the Tennessee Three march


Photo: John Partipilo


In Tennessee, we value our freedoms.

But instead, MAGA Republicans, from Trump and Marsha Blackburn to their Supermajority in the Tennessee State Legislature and school boards, are taking away our freedoms.

From our freedom to decide if and when we grow our families to our freedom to vote in fair elections, and from our children’s freedom to earn a great public education to the freedom from rampant gun violence, MAGA Republicans want to overthrow the will of the people of Tennessee and block the policies we favor.

Tennessee Rise is a call for Tennesseans to rise up to reject this division, turn the tide, and chart a better future for all of us.


Just like generations of Tennesseans who came before who fought to give women the right to vote, who fought for civil rights, and who fought to make sure every kid had access to quality public schools, it is time for Tennesseeans to rise again. This time to ensure that the next generation has the freedom to make decisions about our own bodies and lives, freedom to be ourselves and pursue our dreams and a better life.


Together, we must elect leaders who will fight for and deliver what our families need, from Social Security and Medicaid Expansion to protecting our freedom to decide what happens to our bodies.  


It’s time for Tennesseeans to Rise.

Gloria Johnson and March Photo Source: John Partipilo

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