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Tennessee Rise


  • How much am I allowed to contribute?
    There are no limits to the amount of money you can contribute to Tennessee Rise. [Click to Donate]
  • Are contributions public?
    Yes. Contributions to Tennessee Rise are publicly disclosed information.
  • Do my contributions go to candidates?
    Contributions do not go directly to a candidate's campaign but would be used to pay for independent expenditures in support of candidates. Your contributions support evidence-based investments in voter turnout and persuasion tactics to benefit candidates, but we are not legally permitted to coordinate with their campaigns. We also recommend making the maximum allowable contribution directly to candidates BEFORE giving to Tennessee Rise.
  • How will my money be spent?
    Resources raised into this PAC will be invested first in fully funding the work of increasing voter engagement and turnout within six priory counties. These counties encompass the 10 most competitive state legislative races required to flip in order to break the MAGA Republican supermajority while simultaneously contributing the most votes influencing the next most flippable congressional districts, Congressional District 7 (Megan Barry), Congressional District 5 (Maryam Abolfazli) and the U.S. Senate race (Gloria Johnson). It is essential we have the resources to talk to more voters and turn them out because that's the only way we'll break the supermajority and begin to see more wins in Tennessee. These counties encompass 40% of all registered voters statewide, 71% of the Democratic vote, 75% of diverse voters (Black, Indigenous, & people of color), and 46% of voters aged 18-34. The people who can change Tennessee's future are here, we must invest in the work to engage and mobilize these potential voters.
  • Does this help Gloria Johnson’s U.S. Senate Race?
    Yes, we believe the best way to support Gloria beyond max-out contribution directly to her campaign is by investing into the Tennessee Rise PAC. This PAC is investing in programs increasing turnout in the six counties most likely to propel Gloria to victory, as well as underlying competitive state legislative races. These six counties encompass 40% of all registered voters statewide, 71% of the Democratic vote, 75% of diverse voters (Black, Indigenous, & people of color), and 46% of voters aged 18-34.
  • Does this help Megan Barry (Democratic Candidate for Congressional District 7) or Maryam Abolfazli (Democratic Candidate for Congressional District 5)?
    Yes, we believe the best way to support Megan or Maryam beyond max-out contribution directly to their campaigns is by investing into the Tennessee Rise PAC. This PAC is investing in programs to increase turnout in key counties that encompass much of Districts 5 and 7, as well as underlying competitive state legislative races.
  • Can I request that my contribution support one specific candidate?
    We are unable to earmark a donation to a specific candidate. Our goal is to fully fund the work across all organizations in a way that’s necessary for effective, large-scale programs. If one race or tactic becomes fully saturated, or conditions change, we have the flexibility to re-allocate resources. This helps us be more effective with your investment.
  • How can I help other than just donating?
    Thank you, it will take all of us leaning in for Tennessee to Rise. Please reach out via email to and we will send you a fundraising host guide & toolkit.
  • This sounds great, how do I donate?
    Just click here and make your contribution online.
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